Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who's the smartest Arrowhawk?

The debate has raged for years. Who is the smartest Arrowhawk? Everyone knows how Terry Walker forgets his gloves because his brain is so full of smart stuff. John Kenyon has a Masters in Business Administration and sits on the bench drawing up I/T code. The Griffith boys are responsible for all sorts of complex banking formulas -- could this explain the financial bailout mess our country is facing? Mark Monahan went to some fancy school in New York. Tom Morgan, private school. Nick Lanctot is from Minnesota.

And then there's Mac Lawless. People don't know much about Mac Lawless. Yes, he's tall and has a good cross-face but outside of that, he's a mystery. Some say Mac scaled Mount Rainier, forgot his sunglasses on the top and went back after them. Can't be too many brains in that little maneuver.

What we need is a test. So, we've devised one. Let's find out once and for all who the smartest Arrowhawk is. Here is the test. Good luck, Hawks.


Arrowhawks team chef, Cyndy Griffith, was just about to begin preparing the team dinner for the Arrowhawks. She already knew she needed to fill 55 bowls of the same size and capacity with the same amount of food. When she was done, she decided to read the guidelines for the meal, just out of curiosity. The guidelines said:

1. Every player gets their own bowl of soup.
2. Every two players will get one bowl of spaghetti to share.
3. Every three players will get one bowl of salad to share.
4. All players are required to have their own helping of salad, spaghetti, and soup.

After some rapid calculations, Cyndy was able to figure out how many Arrowhawks were going to be at the team dinner. Can you?