Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where are they now?

Dave Cameron. Jim Kuhn. Mark Mantle. Mark Jones.

These are but a few of a long line of former Arrowhawks no longer with the team. "Where are they now?" you ask?

'Hammerin' Dave Cameron #39, F - Somewhere in Canada drinking cold Canadian beer and working for a company doing something other than playing hockey. Dave was a tough customer then and likely still is. If you run in to him on the ice, avoid running into him or you'll probably end up on your butt.

Mark Jones #88, F - Superintendent at Minerva Lake golf course. Rumor is he isn't playing hockey anymore, though you'd never know if you saw him. He's a rugged looking dude with one hell of a sense of humor. Smooth skater, that Jones.

Jim Kuhn #19, C - Jim thinks about playing hockey again while he mows his grass. When he's finished he stinks and is pretty tired so he goes back in his house to his lovely wife and two young children. He's a good dude and an original Hawk.

Mark Mantle, F - No clue what Mark's doing these days.

Bill 'Soft Spot' Miller #43, F - Billy is kicking ass on the Sunday night D team the Junior Arrowhawks. Good to see him still playing. He's a favorite.

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