Saturday, April 7, 2012

In a nutshell...

Much has happened since our last post. President Obama's health care package is in jeopardy. Titanic director James Cameron became the first person to dive (solo) to the deepest part of the ocean. An Arrowhawk got snipped. In all, 33 days or so have passed. Theres a lot of news to get to, so we'll just chip away at it over the coming days.

In order of importance:
1. The Hawks finished the regular session tied for third (Rirruto) with 18 points
2. The Hawks made the playoffs for the 15th consecutive session
3. Jason Torsok developed some sort of illness requiring the CDC to quarantine his apartment like in the movie outbreak. He stole a helicopter, crashed it and ran away without his shirt "because it was still in the dryer." He's still in hiding rumored to be wearing a tee shirt stating "I'm Bigfoot."
4. Michael McDonald will be performing a free concert at the new Columbus Commons in May. Joe Factor, Arrowhawks resident old-school metal head rocker is not on board with the sultry baritone and is "...seriously worried about you guys."
5. Rirutto handed the Hawks their first shutout in over two years. I'd fill you in on the last shutout but my long term memory is shot from all the pucks to the head. Or the beer.
6. Nate Mensel returned to the Hawks fulltime. He's a dangler.

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