Jamie Santho (left) and Nick Elswick (right) will be opponents in Friday's championship game. Both players have played a significant role in their team's success this session. Elswick is considerably taller and much better looking, however. (at least according to his wife).
One time Hawk goaltender Jamie Santho has the chance to live his boyhood dream, and he's seizing that opportunity. "I've always been a classic rock fan" said a hyped-up Santho as he talked about his opportunity. "And now I'll get to make it happen."
Young Jamie has accepted a new role as a guitar tech/roadie/M&M sorter for the impending Fleetwood Mac tour that begins in Albequerque next Tuesday. "I'm psyched that I get to tune Lindsay Buckingham's 12-string. That dude really rocks on "Landslide". I've heard Stevie Nicks is a little grouchy if she doesn't get her fresh guacamole before the show, but I can mash a mean avocado. Plus, they're gonna let me play drums for the second half of the concert when Mick Fleetwood gets tired. I'm gonna grow a matching pony-tail and dress up like one of those hippy/wizard dudes. Everything is coming up Santho."
No word as to who is going to man the net for the Big Pucks as they face off with the Hawks next Friday, but Jamie will be tied up with the second show of the tour as Fleetwood Mac invades Galveston. "I think Christine McVie might have a thing for me. Just wait until I let show her my butterfly position." Good luck Jamie. Good luck.
Oh don't worry ill be back in time for the game...